Policies and Guidelines.



  • Tuition is due in full each month, regardless of attendance.

  • All students are required to be enrolled in auto-pay.

  • Payment is due on the 24th of each month, in order to secure your slot for the upcoming month.

  • No partial payments please. We cannot prorate your slot if you plan on missing any lessons within the month.


Refund Policy.

  • Pacific Blue Swim Lessons does not issue refunds or credits for those families who have already started the month.

  • No refunds will be given for missed lessons from a student who intends to withdraw, but does not communicate in advance via email.

  • There will be no monetary refunds, transfers or credits issued at Pacific Blue Swim Lessons.

Monthly Schedule.

  • We offer a monthly fee schedule.

  • Lessons are 30 minutes each, occurring once a week.

  • Each month can vary from 5 lessons to 4 or less, depending on the day of the week you swim. This also depends on holiday closures/swim school closures. Tuition is prorated according to how many lessons are in each new month.

  • Lessons are ongoing month-to-month until you decide to take a break.


Teacher Absences & Facility Cancellations.

  • If an instructor is absent for a lesson, a substitute instructor will fill in for that week.

  • If no replacement instructor is available, students will be given a credit for the amount of one lessons fee on the next bill. No credit will be given if a student chooses not to attend a lesson with a subtitute instructor.

  • If lessons are cancelled due to facility closure, we will try to reschedule you for a make-up lesson with an available instructor or you will receive a credit on your next monthly charge.


  • We do not offer make-up classes.

  • Due to limited schedule availability, we are unable to offer make-up lessons.

  • Our lessons are only a month-to-month commitment and we ask that you please make every effort to attend your scheduled appointments.

  • We do not prorate, credit, or issue refunds for missed lessons.


Withdrawal from Lessons.

  • Students wishing to withdraw from lessons need to send an email request to lessons@pacificblueswim.com.

  • Verbal communication is not sufficient to request withdrawal.

  • Email requests must be sent two weeks before the start of the next month.